Your Health Is Priceless!

What is Care Coordination?

Care coordination means different things to different people; no consensus definition has fully evolved. However, the primary goal of care coordination is patient- and family-centered. It is designed to assess and meet the needs of patients while helping them navigate effectively and efficiently through the health care system to achieve safer and more effective care.

Why Is Care Coordination Important?

The healthcare system is a complex network of independent entities, including service providers, insurers, and government organizations. Patients must monitor their progress within a web of physicians, specialists, payers, and regulators without access to a centralized medical record repository. This fragmented view of their medical journey makes it difficult for patients and their providers to efficiently determine the effect of any single treatment, or to assess their overall quality of care.

Well-designed, targeted care coordination that is delivered to the right people can improve outcomes for everyone: patients, providers, and payers. The Institute of Medicine identified care coordination as a key strategy that has the potential to improve the effectiveness, safety, and efficiency of the American health care system.

What are the benefits of Care Coordination?

Care coordination addresses potential gaps in meeting patients' interrelated needs to achieve optimal health, wellness, or end-of-life outcomes, according to patient preferences. The majority of patients interact with multiple health care providers across various care settings, which can result in fragmented delivery and a lack of continuity among a health care team. 


Accepted Insurance:

Who would benefit from RN Care Coordination?

·         Individuals who have difficulties navigating the healthcare community

·         Individuals who are chronically ill or who have multiple complex medical conditions

·         Individuals who require assistance accessing community-based programs or services

·         Individuals who have cognitive or communication deficits that require assistance to help them communicate their health care needs

·         Individuals challenged with efficiently managing their personal health information 

·         Individuals with emerging risk or a newly diagnosed chronic disease who may benefit from a health-coordination program

·         Individuals seeking assistance with recruitment of staffing within the healthcare industry

As a healthcare professional what have you noticed are the common barriers for patients?

Although the need for care coordination is clear, there are obstacles within the health care system that must be overcome to provide this type of care. A redesign in the health care system to better coordinate patients' care is essential for the following reasons:

·         Current health care systems are often disjointed, and processes vary among and between primary care sites and specialty sites.

·         Patients are often unclear about the reason they are referred to a specialist, how to make appointments, and what to do after seeing a specialist.

·         Specialists do not consistently receive clear goals for the referral or adequate information on tests that were previously collected. Primary care physicians do not often receive information about what happened in a referral visit.

·         Referral staff deal with many different processes and lost data, which means that care is less efficient.

Why should I hire Beyond The Bedside?

Effectively managing personal health requires much of what care coordination offers. It is essential effective and timely communication between members of a care team occur. In addition to disease management and education, barriers that may prevent compliance with following a plan of care should also be considered. At Beyond The Bedside, LLC, we understand the world of healthcare can sometimes feel like a maze. As Registered Nurses, we recognize the difficulty managing one’s health can be, especially when diagnosed with multiple chronic health conditions. Therefore, we are committed to educating, empowering, and enriching lives one client at a time.


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